Improve Your App Conversion Rate

Convincing people to use your app begins with getting them to download it first and try it. From the moment they start reading about your app in the app store to when they start to use that app, your goal is to turn potential customers into regular users of your product or service, as well as regular users of your app. The more people you can get to continue to use your app, the more likely they are to actually make purchases on that app.

July 20, 2020
Improve Your App Conversion Rate

Convincing people to use your app begins with getting them to download it first and try it. From the moment they start reading about your app in the app store to when they start to use that app, your goal is to turn potential customers into regular users of your product or service, as well as regular users of your app. The more people you can get to continue to use your app, the more likely they are to actually make purchases on that app.

To improve your conversion rate of potential customer to actual customers, you will want to make sure to optimize both how your app is presented in the store and how it is organized and optimized during use. The following are a few ways you can improve your conversion rate by optimizing your app.

Hook Them with Your Description

When it comes to describing your app, the less you say the better. It’s the word choices you make that count. You should provide just enough information to make potential customers download the app. You don’t want to make the description too long as people rarely click on the Read More button for long descriptions.

Start with a one line description that include information that is more likely to make people want to learn more about the app.

  • Include facts about special pricing, particularly if you have a limited time offer.
  • After your app has been available for a while, include the number of people who have used the app. If your app is new, include numbers on how many clients you have that have enjoyed your products or services.
  • Add positive feedback for the second line; positive feedback is always a great way of convincing people to give your company a try.
  • Slip in information about any awards you’ve won.

For example, you can use something like, “Enjoy this limited offer of the award winning app enjoyed by 3 million people around the world.” This provides a lot of information and reasons why readers should give the app a try.

Anything else you want to add should be short and sweet. You can highlight a few other important aspects of the app, but remember not to put too much time into it. People usually don’t read more than a couple of sentences before making their decision.

Tailor Your App Presentation to the Platform

For each platform that you post to, you should tailor both the description and the look. There is definitely a preference in what users like based on the platform they use. There are also different standards and functions on the platforms, including the available image resolutions. Approach your app marketing based on the platform instead of cutting corners and trying to use a one-size-fits all approach to presenting your app, consider your description and design completely separate from how you market on other platforms.

Track the Conversion Rates – Have Goals

Establishing goals is always a good way of ensuring that you continue to track conversion rates. Since this is difficult initially, establish a habit of regularly reviewing your conversion rates so you can establish a goal within the first month of the app’s release. You can also check the average conversion rates in your industry to have an idea of where you want to be in terms of app downloads and app sales.

Engage Your Users

People love to know that their opinions are influencing the user experience. If you include updates based on feedback, you will get more positive reviews, which will often increase the number of people who download the app. It also makes people more likely to make purchases from your app to see exactly how those changes were implemented.

Set-up Monthly Screenshot Testing

When you publish your app, you will always want to include screenshots. Typically dashboards are included, but you will want to include more than just one screenshot. When people can see the app presentation before they download it, they tend to decide right then if they will want to download it. Many of them appreciate having a preview before downloading so they can see if what they need or want is easy to find.

You can change the screenshot orientations as well. Sometimes, users will use the app horizontally instead of vertically, so you should include those if they will need to rotate their phones.

Ensure You Have App Analytics

You want to be able to analyze data like download rates, how much of the description was read before a person decided to (or not to) download the app, and other metrics that will help you fine-tune your app marketing and design.

Quick Summary

The way you present your app in the app store will play a large role in whether people are even willing to download it. Typically, only a few seconds are needed, so you need to make a powerful impact right from the beginning. You can also take the presentation to give your potential users a chance to get familiar with the app. The right screenshots will show them what they need to know. Once they download the app, they will be better able to use it if they have already previewed your app.